Saturday, October 29, 2011

Today, I was watching a tv program about the Salem witch trials, in the the description I thought they used the word "hystorical", and I thought 'GOOD ONE, television, a spelling joke! Spelling it 'hystorical' makes it all old-timey-feeling!" and then I realized it said 'hysterical'. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

awkward conversations with co-workers

Sometimes co-workers will stop by your cubicle to chat, or comment on what you're eating.
Them, cheerily: "Breakfast time! What is that?"
Me: "Fumaffo" (What 'falefel' sound like when spoken through a falefel)
Them: "At nine am?"
Me: "...Breakfast falafel." (or "buffust fumaffo" )
A silent look ensued, and that conversation was over.  

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Periodically, I'll attempt to drink things sideways. Like when I'm laying down. It never works, yet every few years I think 'I'll try this again!" and just end up spilling on the couch. 
Today I got lost on my way to the pharmacy, in my home town, which I have been to, like, 15 times before.